All training options are available through video conference or on-site instruction. The on-site instruction fees vary based upon travel time, level of training, travel costs and housing. The time allotted for this training varies upon the level of training needed. Video conference training sessions can be divided into several meetings.
Nearly every pastor I meet with will declare relational and sexual sin within the church to be biggest obstacle and affliction within the church today. My usual response to that statement is “I agree, now, let’s do something about it.” Receiving training is the first step in taking that action. We have often missed the chance to address sexual sin within the church because we are fearful, ill-equipped and overwhelmed. The training and material provided by Perfect Hope takes the mystery out of relational and sexual struggles and equips leaders to address the issue with confidence. The church is in the people business and people are messy. Dealing with relational and sexual sin is often the messiest of all. If your church is not afraid to get messy then let’s begin a revival today to show the world that our God is the God of hope and restoration.
One of the primary goals of Perfect Hope is to train and equip church leaders with biblically based tools in addressing the effects of relational and sexual struggles. Timing is key when it comes to ministering to the needs of a congregation. Imagine if there were a delay in addressing the needs of those hurting, starving, hopeless and afraid. This often describes our brothers and sisters dealing with the effects of relational and sexual sin. In many cases, however, there is a delay in addressing their needs because of the lack of training and a system in place. Perfect Hope provides customized training and consultation for church leaders which promotes timely, confidential and effective techniques and responses. This training promotes an atmosphere and message that we are not afraid to deal with difficult and “messy” situations through honesty, truth, grace and mercy.
Perfect Hope understands the demands placed upon church leaders today. These demands can become overwhelming with time management being a primary concern. We also understand that the plague of relational and sexual sin within the church is beyond epidemic proportions. We would like the opportunity to train church leaders with effective biblically based tools to take back the ground relational and sexual sin has taken. Your church may be in a position where it is ready to begin addressing the issue. Our training can provide guidelines, structure and a jumpstart to building the most effective approach. You may already have programs in place and would like to strengthen and refresh your leaders with new tools and approaches. Each training venue is individualized to meet the needs of each particular church. Most of our training centers around the use of the Blessing of the Thorn Course material.
Prevention Training
We have often approached the prevention of relational and sexual temptation with teaching our children “if” you are tempted then here are the steps to take. We live in a world today where sadly it is not a matter of “if” our children will be exposed to sexual temptation but “when.” They may never go looking for it but be assured it will come at them through technology and a worldly agenda. The prevention training addresses the needs of young married couples and parents. The focus helps these parents and future parents to promote a home environment where all things are dealt with in openness and truth and through God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness. The goal is to help our children see the importance of accountability, how a Godly person deals with stress and daily active spiritual warfare. What if our children viewed accountability as a positive and essential aspect of the Christian life? What if they learned to deal with the stress of walking through a foreign land with Godly tools? What if they practiced spiritual warfare to battle against the worldly lies they are assaulted with daily? Maybe, the sexual temptation wouldn’t have a place to take root. The lack of accountability creates isolation. The absence of effective stress releasing techniques promotes burdens. Inability to fight off the falsehoods of this world develop into walls of fear and disconnection. The fantasy world of sexual sin offers a place to escape and medicate the stress, isolation, fears and burdens of this world. The prevention training provides techniques in empowering our children to stay connected, encouraged and mighty warriors of faith. They learn that God and His Truth are the only true refuge and medication for our pain and difficulties.
Contact us today so we can empower our families in establishing new generational patterns. Patterns which promote an honest and open assault upon the sexual sin which has afflicted the church for far too long.
Intervention and Recovery Training
Many Christians will recognize their relationship with sexual sin is problematic but have not crossed into an addictive pattern. Without assistance, these individuals may ignore the convictions and warning signs of the Holy Spirit and not seek help. The intervention training addresses the needs of those who have been convicted of their involvement with sexual sin and want to deal with it before it progresses any further. This training would be for church leaders who deal with adolescent as well as adult age members. This training focuses upon utilizing The Blessing of the Thorn Course material. Some churches prefer to utilize a support group approach in addressing sexual sin while others want to deal with each situation individually. This training can equip church leaders in ways to implement both approaches. If utilizing a group approach, those in the intervention and recovery stages may attend together. In most cases, it is best to have a leader or point person who assesses each situation. This person would receive additional training and have ongoing contact with the Perfect Hope trainer. Just as with all training there will be a particular focus upon developing accountability, tools to deal with stress and effective spiritual warfare. Those struggling with sexual sin in the intervention section have the plant of sexual addiction beginning to sprout but has not grown into a mature plant. If their plant of sexual sin is uprooted then they still need accountability, tools and effective spiritual warfare techniques. If not, then the plant will regrow from the root when the pressures of life return.
Recovery Training
This level of training addresses the individual who has crossed the line into sexual idolatry. We will identify how to recognize this level of struggle, steps to take, when to refer, ministering to family members, stages of the addiction and the recovery process. This training will utilize The Blessing of the Thorn Course material. If establishing a support group for this level then instruction can be provided in developing group norms, rules and expectations. Training of group facilitators is encouraged and supported through ongoing contact with Perfect Hope staff. The same training and support is also provided for those who work in an individual discipleship role with the struggling addict.

Personal Message from the President
Through the over 40 years of counseling with hurting people, God has allowed me to experience some unique learning opportunities. These opportunities first came by listening to the stories of hundreds or maybe thousands of wounded brothers and sisters in Christ. The majority of these wounds came through the effects of sexual sin. Some of these stories were from family members whose loved one has chosen a lifestyle of pursuing their sexual sin. Other stories came from those who had experienced self-inflicted wounds through their rebellion into the realm of sexual sin. They told stories of fear, shame, despair and hopelessness. From these stories, God began to reveal biblically based techniques by which these hurting people could walk in hope and freedom with a deeper intimate relationship with Him. As I grow older, my concern is I will take these techniques with me when I go. One of my primary goals in finishing my race is to share with the body of believers the techniques and lessons God has revealed to me. The best venue to meet this goal is through direct training with individuals, groups and leaders.
Most people believe that all I address is the issue of unhealthy or sinful sexual behavior. In actuality, I talk very little about sex, sex education or healthy sexuality. Throughout scripture, it is very clear that God is most concerned with the issues of our heart. True freedom from the effects of sexual sin comes with addressing the issues of the heart. If you wanted to place a label upon what I do, it would be appropriate to say I address intimacy disorders. As a Christian, we have the ability to have an intimate relationship with the God of the universe. We also have the ability to place barriers between us and Him through the construction of idols and pretenses (lies) which do not agree with how He defines us. When these barriers exist, then Satan fills the void with the temptation of the fantasy world of sexual sin. The goal of our training is to assist the church in addressing the heart issues, barriers to intimacy and not just stopping sinful behavior. Many weeds appear dead during the winter months only to reemerge in the spring. Such is the case with sexual sin. Unless we deal with the root, the plant of sexual sin will reemerge. Through this training, we hope to address the heart or root of sexual sin through prevention, intervention and recovery programs. Give us a call or email me today for further information about our training opportunities.
Jonathan Jones, President and Founder of Perfect Ministries
Email: Phone: (901) 430-3412