I can relate
Isaiah 53:3 He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
“I can relate” is often a term we use to connect with someone’s experience. No one else can completely relate to our experiences but it does help to hear these words of connection and realize we are not alone. This is especially true when the shared experiences are difficult, stressful and sometimes heartbreaking. God’s word exposes us to various individuals who experienced such events. As we read of their lives we can relate to certain moments and be reassured of God’s provision. “I can relate” to Peter’s hardheadedness as well as his fears. I can relate to Elijah’s pity party under the tree as well as his brokenness in the cave. I can relate to Job asking “why” repeatedly.
There is but one person who can truly relate to our difficult and painful situations and his name is Jesus. I think we believe this when it comes to painful and grief filled events which come from external sources. I fear, however, we do not accept this when it comes to pain which is self-inflicted by our rebellious actions. After all, Jesus was without sin. How can he relate to my pain filled sinful actions? If you truly believe this then you don’t fully grasp the Cross. For he who knew no sin became sin upon the cross. The Perfect Lamb of God relates to our specific sins because he specifically bore those same sins on the cross 2000 years ago. He foreknew we would seek the fantasy world of sexual sin but he bore it and paid for it. When you begin to address your secret sins know that there is no such thing as a secret sin to Jesus. Stop listening to the lies of the Deceiver and receive the amazing grace of our Lord. Can Jesus relate to our sin? You bet he does and his redemptive work bought it and covered it with his Love over 2000 years ago.
Is God convicting you regarding your secret sexual sin? Are you ready to do a 180 turn from self-reliance? The Blessing of the Thorn Course can move you in the right direction in regaining your God honoring integrity and principles. Click here for a sample of the video teachings.
Jonathan Jones, President and Founder of Perfect Hope Ministry. Click here for an introductory video about the ministry.